Ооо «арктика»

Как принимать Alphabol

Хотя курс Alphabol и не является самым «жестким», все же начинать прием данного фармакологического средства рекомендуется совершеннолетним спортсменам без наличия каких-либо противопоказаний (гипертрофия предстательной железы, повышенное артериальное давление, заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы, печени и т.д.). Суточная дозировка для каждого атлета подбирается индивидуально, исходя из его опыта в приеме фармакологических средств, физиологических показателей, целей приема ААС. Рекомендованной суточной нормой считается 30 миллиграмм, разделенных на несколько приемов. Дробное использование Альфабола от Альфа Фарма позволяет защитить организм от резких скачков гормонального фона. Продолжительность курса составляет от 4 до 8 недель. Прием препарата на пустой желудок усиливает эффект, однако может увеличить нагрузку на печень.

Что касается того, как принимать Alphabol совместно с другими ААС, курс выстраивается со специалистом. Общие рекомендации сводятся к советам о минимизации дозировки и нежелательности приема второго орального препарата (это существенно перегружает печень). Правильно подобранный комбинированный курс не только увеличивает анаболический эффект, но и значительно снижает риск возникновения негативных реакций организма. Для набора мышечной массы лучше всего с Альфабол сочетаются Примоболан, Сустанон, Тренболон, Тестостерон и Нандролон.

Более подробно ознакомиться со схемами приема препарата вы можете в теме Метандростенолон.

Benefits of Injectable Steroids

First of all, we are going to discuss the benefits that users would gain by injecting the steroids in their body. The first and the most common benefit of injectable steroid is that it does not make the liver toxic as compared to oral steroids. This is one of the major benefit of injectable steroid.

Since all the steroids that are taken orally are considered as active components and the liver does not break them down. This can cause a lot of burden on the liver. While the steroids that are injected does not need to go through the liver and directly enters in the blood. This means they won’t pose any danger to the liver.

Due to this reason, anabolic injectable steroids are considered more effective because they are not destroyed or broken down as compared to the oral form of the steroids. Another benefits of the injectable steroids is that they have higher half-life which means that the individual is not required to take the steroids daily. The main disadvantage of the injectable steroids is that the user must be experienced enough in order to take the steroids in injectable form.

Types of Injectable Steroids

There are basically two types of injectable steroids that are available. These are:

  • Aqueous suspensions
  • Oily solutions

Stanozolol and Testosterone Suspension are the only two medicines that falls under the category of aqueous suspensions. Winstrol is the most popular and widely used drug.

All the other steroids apart from Stanozolol and Testosterone Suspension falls under the category of the oily solutions. In order to mix the medicines, using of cleansed vegetable oil is highly recommended.

All the injections of anabolic drugs are manufactured in form of oil and aqueous suspensions.

Oil is homogeneous substance that holds no residue and contaminations among itself. While the aqueous suspension is a combination of tiny elements that are insoluble in aqueous solution but they can be stimulated by shaking.

Mostly, all the anabolic steroids offered in the market are signified as the oil solution while Aquaviron and Winstrol Depot are some of the exceptions.

Almost all the anabolic steroids that are available in the solution form can be combined with other drugs in the syringe if both are oil based or water based. But the mixing of oil based compound with the water based compound is impossible. This combination could harm the site of injection steroids for sale, swellings and crash at the injection site could be experienced and they could lead towards surgery.

The dose of the aqueous suspension steroids must be taken daily on the regular base while the dose of the oil based solutions is determined by the amount of the active substance that is present in it.

If the solutions are based on either Propionate or Isocopionate then the dose must be taken once in a day. Injections that contains substance which have higher half-life (Decanoate, Enanthate, Cypionate) must be taken twice in a week. With this dosage, the hormone level would be stable and would not reach the peak or the lower level. That is considered ideal for the advancement of the anabolic activities that are associated with the medication. The weekly dose must be equally divided into two parts. If you are taking 350 mg of Nandrolone in a week then the first injection must be of 200mg and the second must be of 150mg.

Injectable steroids are considered safer than the tablet form of steroids due to less side effects associated with them. There are certain Alpha Pharma steroids that are manufactured only in the injectable forms. These steroids are Boldenone, Drostanolone, Nandrolone and Trenbolone.

Steroids that are available in both the injectable and tablet forms are Testosterone, Stanozolol, Methenolone and Methandienone.

Oral Steroids: Cons and Pros


There are a large number of advantages and disadvantages associated with oral steroids. Some of them are being discussed below:

The first and the most important advantage of oral steroids is that you don’t have to drill in your body daily for taking steroids. You just have to take it orally. Another benefit is that oral steroids can start the impact on the body and pass in the blood stream immediately. Due to this fact, oral steroids stays in the body for shorter period of time and cannot be detected in a test after few weeks. Since the administration of oral steroids is very easy so it makes the regulating of dose also very stress-free.

Stanozolol and Proviron are one of the rare oral steroids that have the ability to reduce the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) level in the body. Since all the testosterone present in our body is restricted by SHBG making the testosterones inactive. Around 2 to 5% of the testosterone is allowed to flow in the blood freely (unbound testosterone), which means that only this fraction of testosterone is available and has the responsibility about the changes that are occurred due to the androgens. So if you take oral steroids, the SHBG level in the body is reduced and the testosterone is released in the body which leads towards effective development in the body. Apart from this, oral steroids are relatively much cheaper when compared to the injectable steroids australia.


Similarly, there are some drawbacks also associated with oral steroids which are discussed below:

The most common and highly experienced drawback of using oral steroids is that it causes some extra burden on the live. Since everything that we take is broken into nutrients. Then these nutrients travel from stomach to the liver by hepatic portal vein. After that the liver has the responsibility to remove all the toxic from the substance that is entered in the liver prior to releasing in the regular circulation. Since the oral steroids are considered as toxic by the liver so the liver tries to remove all of its toxicity by converting them into inactive state.

For the purpose of going through the liver, a methyl group called alkyl group is added to the 17-alpha-carbon position. This modification is called 17-alpha-alkylation. This alteration in the oral steroids helps the oral steroids to become highly active and available by increasing the burden on the liver and also increases the toxicity. Even though, the toxicity level of oral steroids on liver is high, but most of the time it is overstated. Alcohol is the best example to understand this phenomenon. Alcohol causes more toxic to the liver as compared to oral steroids. Since the liver has to ability to heal very quickly so if the oral steroids are not over dosed or abused than there is very little to no chance of experience any unwanted problems.

Since the oral steroids carry very short half-life in comparison with the injectable steroids. So due to this reason, the individual must take the oral steroids on daily basis or sometimes should take twice in a day in order to obtain the maximum benefits.

Another major drawback of oral steroid is that it effects the cholesterol level negatively in huge way. Anabolic steroids has the ability to negatively affect the lipid profile of the body and it is very common. When oral steroids are concerned, the negative impact on the cholesterol level is much higher comparatively with other drugs and real steroids online. A significant reduction in high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and a significant raise in the low-density lipoproteins (LDL) can occur and this can cause the problem of atherosclerosis.

Due to these negative impacts of oral steroids, it is always recommended to take oral steroids for not more than 6 to 8 weeks.

Адрес: г. Москва, ул.Изюмская 37 кор.1

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Футболка массажная с протеинами шелка 3350.00руб.
Мен суппорт 861.00руб.
Потенцироз 898.00руб.
Coral Calcium /Коралловый кальций 1140.00руб.

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Побочные эффекты

Часть метандростенолона конверсирует в метилэстрадиол – вещество, имеющее на треть больший аффинитет к эстрогеновым рецепторам. Как результат, возможно возникновение гинекомастия. Для ее предотвращения принимаются ингибиторы ароматазы – вещества, блокирующие образование в крови эстрогенов и повышающие уровень гонадотропных гормонов и собственного тестостерона. Наличие метильной группы в альфа-17 позиции вызывает незначительное токсичное воздействие на печень и снижает связывание метандиенона с глобулином. Также возможные побочные эффекты от Alphabol – задержка жидкости, потеря волос, акне, атрофия яичек, чрезмерное повышение сексуального влечения и артериального давления на курсе. Прием Альфабола женщинам не рекомендуется, поскольку очень высока вероятность маскулинизации.

Alpha Pharma Offers Multiple Injectable Steroids for Sale

The anabolic steroids that are produced by Alpha Pharma are considered as one of the best steroids that are available in the market. All the steroids are of great quality and that is the main reason why many athletes and bodybuilders prefer using the products of pharmacom labs. Building a lot of muscles is not an easy task as it requires greater amount of patience and dedication. A large number of athletes experience the painful process of muscle retrieval after undergoing severe training and workouts. So for the purpose of reducing the muscle loss and stabilizing the recovery process, anabolic preparation drugs are highly recommended.

For those individuals who are the first time users and want to get something easy to use and do not want side effects then you should try Boldenone as it is extremely popular and one of the finest steroid that is ever produced. Not only the beginners but all the professional and experienced steroid users use this medicine.


Finally, oral and injectable steroids are considered effective and are preferred by multiple athletes and performance enhancers. Both the oral and injectable steroids have the ability to provide some quality gains for longer period of time if they are used properly and are not abused. But the greater importance is given to the injectable steroids as they provide less number of side effects with more gains as compared to the oral steroids. Injectable steroids are rather considered safer than the oral tablets because oral steroids can cause liver toxicity which is extremely dangerous. For the beginners, it can be little difficult because it requires a lot of courage to drill a hole in the body regularly. But once the task is achieved you will find no difficulty at all and it would look like an easy task.


О компании:
ООО «АЛЬФА ФАРМ» ИНН 6646015620, ОГРН 1096646000604 зарегистрировано 24.09.2009 в регионе Свердловская Область по адресу: 620028, Свердловская обл, город Екатеринбург, улица Кирова, СТР 28, ПОМЕЩЕНИЕ 117. Статус: Действующее. Размер Уставного Капитала 20 000,00 руб.

Руководителем организации является: Директор — Вяткин Сергей Игоревич, ИНН . У организации 1 Учредитель. Основным направлением деятельности является «торговля оптовая фармацевтической продукцией». На 01.01.2020 в ООО «АЛЬФА ФАРМ» числится 22 сотрудника.

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620028, Свердловская обл, город Екатеринбург, улица Кирова, СТР 28, ПОМЕЩЕНИЕ 117
получен 10.04.2019
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Вяткин Сергей Игоревич
По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

20 000,00руб., 21.09.2012 , ИНН

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46.46.1 торговля оптовая фармацевтической продукцией

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По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

Уплаченные страховые взносы за 2018 год (По данным ФНС):

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Финансовый анализ отчетности за 2019 год
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Основные показатели отчетности за 2019 год (по данным ФНС):
Сумма доходов: — 697 885 000,00 руб.

↓ -562.75 млн.
(1 260 639 000,00 руб. за 2018 г.)

Сумма расходов: — 713 682 000,00 руб.

↓ -494.51 млн.
(1 208 188 000,00 руб. за 2018 г.)

Уплаченные налоги за 2018 г.:По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
— налог на добавленную стоимость: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
6 058 500,00 руб.По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
— неналоговые доходы, администрируемые налоговыми органами: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
0,00 руб.По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
— налог на прибыль: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
14 315 998,00 руб.По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
— транспортный налог: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
386,00 руб.По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
— налог на имущество организаций: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС
18 454,00 руб.

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найдено по ИНН: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

Ответчик: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

, на сумму: 175 906 855,00 руб.

Истец: По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

, на сумму: 26 033 755,00 руб.

найдено по наименованию (возможны совпадения): По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

Исполнительные производства ООО «АЛЬФА ФАРМ»

найдено по наименованию и адресу (возможны совпадения): По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

По данным портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС

Лента изменений ООО «АЛЬФА ФАРМ»

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Последние изменения


Завершено рассмотрение судебного дела
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в роли иного лица, сумма исковых требований 37 931 885 208 руб.


Завершено рассмотрение судебного дела
№А50-12413/2009 от 03.06.2009 в
в роли ответчика, сумма исковых требований 19 088 659 руб.


Завершено рассмотрение судебного дела
№А13-6882/2008 от 25.08.2008 в
в роли третьего лица, сумма исковых требований 783 699 549 158 руб.


Завершено рассмотрение судебного дела
№А13-9485/2008 от 10.10.2008 в
в роли третьего лица, сумма исковых требований 729 057 624 120 руб.



Завершено рассмотрение судебного дела
№А55-9792/2009 от 22.05.2009 в
в роли третьего лица, сумма исковых требований 42 212 689 985 руб.


Завершено рассмотрение судебного дела
№А13-1687/2010 от 18.02.2010 в
в роли третьего лица, сумма исковых требований 2 180 601 997 755 руб.


Завершено рассмотрение судебного дела
№А13-16914/2009 от 25.11.2009 в
в роли третьего лица, сумма исковых требований 20 435 148 239 руб.

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